Knee Osteotomy

Osteotomy simply means cutting bone. In the case of knee arthritis, it refers to cutting either the tibia or femur bone in order to change the alignment of the knee. When a young person has advanced arthritis and pain, osteotomy is considered an treatment option.
The problem with this treatment is that it is technically very challenging and even when done well by an experienced surgeon the results are not always good. It is considered a "bridge" treatment to "buy time" before an eventual knee replacement.
Dr. Jana does not do osteotomy surgery. However, if his patient is a candidate for osteotomy, Dr. Jana would refer him or her to the appropriate orthopedic sub-specialist.
The problem with this treatment is that it is technically very challenging and even when done well by an experienced surgeon the results are not always good. It is considered a "bridge" treatment to "buy time" before an eventual knee replacement.
Dr. Jana does not do osteotomy surgery. However, if his patient is a candidate for osteotomy, Dr. Jana would refer him or her to the appropriate orthopedic sub-specialist.